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Posts tagged as “Afghanistna”

UNSC Renews Mandate of Team Monitoring Sanctions on Islamic Emirate

by Fatema Adeeb in TOLOnews, Dec 15, 2023 at 7:41 PMThe UN Security Council said in a statement it has extended for another year the mandate of the team monitoring sanctions on the “Taliban and associated individuals and entities, which threaten Afghanistan’s peace, security and stability.” The 15-member body, the statement said, “unanimously adopted resolution 2716 (2023) (to be issued as document S/RES/2716(2023)), directing the Monitoring Team to support the Committee established by resolution 1988…

Pakistan Envoy Claims TTP in Afghanistan:

Report in TOLOnews Online, Dec 07, 2023 at 8:49 PMAsif Durrani, Pakistan’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, accused the Islamic Emirate of hosting the TTP in Afghanistan, and said that the attacks of the TTP have increased by 65% on the Pakistan border. Pakistan’s Special Representative for Afghanistan claimed that 14 of the 24 attacks by TTP this year were carried out by Afghans. He has openly said that TTP has a sanctuary in Afghanistan. “Attacks…

Taliban arrests three commanders and 16 TTP fighters in Afghanistan:

By Fidel Rahmati in The Khaama Press, December 7, 2023The Taliban captured three leaders and 16 Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) fighters, as per the Express Tribune, a Pakistani newspaper. According to the report, these Pakistani militants were apprehended in the border city of Kandahar. The arrest of Pakistani Taliban members came as a result of Pakistan’s pressure on the Afghan Taliban to take decisive action against the Pakistan Taliban, Express Tribune reported. Pakistan has repeatedly claimed…

The hidden dimensions of insecurity in Afghanistan:

By Fidel Rahmati in The Khaama Press Online, December 4, 2023The Taliban administration in Afghanistan considers one of its achievements in the past two years to be a reduction in conflicts and the establishment of overall security. While this claim is not entirely unfounded when it comes to armed confrontations, the question remains whether the security of citizens is truly guaranteed with a decrease in hostilities between opposing groups. Are people now able to continue…

Herat Security Dialogue in Dushanbe

Report in TOLOnews Online, Nov 27, 2023 at 10:09 PMMore than 150 high profile people including opposition figures of the Islamic Emirate, analysts and envoys of many countries and international organizations attended the 11th Herat Security Dialogue, where they exchanged views on the situation of Afghanistan. The participants discussed the political and security situation of Afghanistan as well as the status of women and provision of humanitarian assistance to the country. Some of the participants…

UNAMA: Families of Kaaj Attack Victims Still Seek Justice

By Fidel Rahmati in Khaama Press online, Oct 1, 2023The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) has called the attack on the Kaaj School on its first anniversary “horrific” and emphasized its commitment to standing with the victims and individuals affected by this incident and other violent incidents in Afghanistan. UNAMA, on Saturday night, wrote on its social media platform X, stating that in last year’s attack on the Kaaj School, 54 people were…

White House: We Are ‘Very Clear’ on Support for Afghan Girls

By Nazir Shinwari in ToloNews, Aug 29, 2023 at 8:47 PMWhite House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that that the US has been very clear about the education of girls in Afghanistan. Addressing the press conference, Jean-Pierre said that Washington remains laser-focused on trying to support and assist the Afghan people without bolstering the Islamic Emirate. “We have been very clear in laying out our concerns, such as girls’ education, with the Taliban. We have…

33 hospitals in Afghanistan face closure amid funding shortage

report in Khaama Press online, August 27, 2023In a recent report, the World Health Organization (WHO) has urgently appealed for a budget of $125 million to provide crucial funding for hospitals across Afghanistan. The plea underscores the pressing need to ensure the continued operation of essential medical facilities in the country, emphasizing the pivotal role that adequate funding plays in sustaining healthcare services for the people of Afghanistan. The World Health Organization (WHO) has raised…

OCHA: 38 Aid Workers Killed in Two Years in Afghanistan

By Mitra Majeedy in ToloNews, Aug 20, 2023 at 9:07 PMThe OCHA humanitarian coordinator for Afghanistan, claimed that 38 workers were killed during the last two years. Daniel Endres said that most of them were polio vaccinators and deminers in Afghanistan. “We salute their courage and celebrate their dedication to serving humanity we also take a moment to pause to recognize those humanitarian workers who have lost their lives and were injured, abducted, arrested or…

Hanafi: Islamic Emirate Established Policy of ‘Neutrality’

By Naweed Samadi in ToloNews, Aug 18, 2023 at 9:14 PMSecond Deputy Prime Minister Abdul Salam Hanafi said that the Islamic Emirate has established a policy of neutrality in Afghanistan. Speaking at a gathering held by the Shia Ulema in the Dasht-e-Barchi area of Kabul, Hanafi asked the world to interact positively in relations with the current Afghan government. “Friendship should be mutual. We interact with them and expect the same interaction and relations with…

China’s Foreign Ministry Blames US for Afghanistan’s Unfolding Crisis

By Fidel Rahmati in Khaama Press online, August 16, 2023As the Taliban marked the two-year anniversary of its rule, a spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry explicitly labelled the fall of Kabul as a military and political “failure” of the United States. Addressing a press conference on Tuesday, August 15, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that Afghanistan has been stable for two years, and the future of this country is now back in the…