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Sri Lanka president orders probe into 2019 Easter bombings

AFP report, September 11, 2023
COLOMBO: Sri Lanka´s president announced an investigation on Sunday into allegations made by a British television documentary that his current spy chief was complicit in the country´s worst attack against civilians.

Ranil Wickremesinghe said he was naming a retired Supreme Court judge to probe accusations that Suresh Sallay, the head of the State Intelligence Service (SIS), orchestrated the 2019 Easter Sunday attacks.

The documentary aired this week featured a political insider who accused Sallay of complicity in the bombings by Islamist extremists at three churches and three hotels, which killed 279 people including 45 foreigners.

“As the nation grapples with the legacy of this tragic event, President Wickremesinghe´s actions represent a determined effort to uncover the truth and ensure accountability in the face of grave allegations,” his office said in a statement.

It said the findings of the new inquiry would be referred to a parliamentary panel for action. Wickremesinghe´s announcement of a fresh local investigation falls short of calls from the island´s Catholic church for an independent international inquiry.

The alleged involvement of local intelligence operatives in the attacks has already been raised in Sri Lankan courts, but no one has been prosecuted.

Several local investigations into the attacks found authorities had failed to act on warnings from an Indian intelligence agency 17 days before the bombings that an attack was imminent.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has also urged an independent investigation with international help to establish the “full circumstances” of the bombings.

Britain´s Channel 4 network said Sallay was linked to the Easter Sunday bombers and wanted to destabilise Sri Lanka to clear the way for the return to power of the Rajapaksa family, two members of which have served as president.