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Dayasiri suspended from SLFP

By Rathindra Kuruwita in The Island, Sept 7, 2023
Former President and Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) leader Maithripala Sirisena, yesterday (06), said that threats to political leaders often came from their closest allies.

Sirisena said so at the SLFP HQ in response to a question from a journalist on the decision to expel Dayasiri Jayasekera from the SLFP.

Asked why he had removed one of his closest allies from the SLFP, Sirisena said, “These things happen. Anura Bandaranaike was removed from the party by his mother. In politics, challenges often come from those who are closest to us.”

The former President added that Jayasekera could return to the party if the latter mended his ways.

“I am willing to give him any position, except that of General Secretary. I have temporarily suspended his party membership, but this can be reversed anytime. We can talk and come to an agreement. These things happen,” he said.

Sirisena suspended Jayasekara’s party membership on Wednesday.

The SLFP has said, in a media statement, that the decision to suspend Jayasekera was taken by the party politburo, which met on Tuesday (05) at Sirisena’s residence.

Sirisena said a disciplinary inquiry would be held against Jayasekera and a charge sheet sent within 14 days.

Sarath Ekanayake has been appointed as Acting General Secretary of the party.

Meanwhile, MP Jayasekera is to take legal action against the suspension of his party membership.