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Gota hampered Covid control efforts – Dr. Amal Harsha de Silva

By Dilanthi jayammanne in Ceylon Today, April 5, 2023
The former Head of State’s involvement in Covid control made it difficult for those engaged in it to function to their fullest capacity, Secretary to the State Ministry of Primary Health Care, Epidemics and Covid Disease Control Dr. Amal Harsha de Silva said.

Addressing a workshop on ‘The response of Sri Lanka’s health system to the Covid-19 pandemic,’ Dr. de Silva said yesterday (4) that the advice which had been given to former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on several matters including Covid control had cost him (Rajapaksa) his position as the Head of State.

He said one must be very cautious when taking advice. Dr. de Silva, who was also the Secretary to the State Ministry of Covid-19 control, said while the President had been ousted by the people, there were those who had given him advice during the height of the pandemic who were doing quite well in society. Those persons were now attempting to get close to the incumbent Head of State and the Government, he cautioned.

Noting that he had been instrumental in getting the private sector involved in testing for the virus, Dr. de Silva said it had seemed irrational to stop them from getting involved when it was considered okay for them to carry out open heart surgery.

The Secretary to the Sports Ministry said his visit with the State Minister of Covid Control to the airport at the time had shown that certain measures and instances should have been downplayed and that advisories and governance were key to manage the situation well.

Citing further incidents, he alleged that although the military involvement had been helpful, there had been instances when those medical practitioners who had examined patients with Covid were rounded up and quarantined…….