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30,000 signatures for anti-electricity tariff hike petition

By Safrah Fazal in The Morning, Jan 5, 2023
The public petition launched by the Electricity Consumers’ Association, seeking the signatures of 6.9 million electricity consumers in opposition to the proposed
electricity tariff increase, had secured nearly 30,000 signatures as of last morning (4).

The association collected signatures from locals in the Giriulla area yesterday, and hopes to move to Divulapitiya today (5), Meerigama and Maharagama on 7January, and to Negombo on 8 January.

Speaking to The Morning, the association’s Secretary Sanjeewa Dhammika said:“Ven. Omalpe Sobitha Thera is working towards launching this programme at several temples on 6 January, and we are looking to do the same at prominent churches in the Negombo area on 8 January.”

He added that the association hoped to achieve its target of 6.9 million signatures within the following three weeks.

“On Tuesday (3) evening, we distributed leaflets to a number of private and public institutions seeking their signatures, and also handed over leaflets to several village heads in order to obtain signatures from residents of their villagers.”

Speaking further, Dhammika observed that the proposed electricity tariff increase will cause low-income consumers to be the most disadvantaged.

“The 4.5 million low-income families are the ones who will be affected the most by this proposal. About Rs. 100 billion of the additional revenue that they hope to generate from the proposed electricity tariff increase is from low-income consumers. The public is enraged by this proposal and have no outlet to vent their frustration.”

“We request the public to turn off your lights on 8 January between 6.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. and light candles and arrive at the nearest town to show your opposition against this proposed increase in electricity tariffs, because a decision concerning it will be given by the Cabinet at its meeting on 9 January. This will be our protest against the Cabinet and the proposal for the increase in electricity tariffs.”

This public petition commenced from Matara and Galle on 1 January where the association noted they recorded over 10,000 signatures. On Monday, the association obtained signatures from the public in Kelaniya, the Galle Face Green, and Colombo Fort.