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Zero Tolerance

Editorial in The Nation, August 18, 2023
The Jaranwala tragedy is yet another grim reminder of the unchecked extremist and communal narratives that are eating away at our social fabric. But this incident, which is the second event in recent days—a teacher in Balochistan was murdered over blasphemy allegations just a few days ago—highlights how this trend is growing out of control and calls for swift and stern measures to address this phenomenon.

Our unfortunately rich history of such tragedies requires more than just the routine response, and instead calls for clear messaging and conviction to address the legal, societal, and cultural drivers of this menace.

It is encouraging to see that both the main accused have already been arrested in record-time, and other immediate measures have come into force, such as a Minority Protection Unit consisting of 70 policemen in Islamabad, and the constitution of an inquiry committee to investigate the incident. However, it is imperative that these measures are further supplemented, and a sustained campaign and roadmap to address the issue of blasphemy related mob violence is pursued.

This is a time that requires acts of solidarity and symbolism, where visibility sends a powerful message of condemnation and unity. Our leaders need to demonstrate that there can be no tolerance for such acts of violence in our society. It is imperative for our national, religious and community leaders to send a clear message that there is no space for such incidents of intolerance by any segment of the society against anyone, particularly against minorities.

The ISPR’s unequivocal statement on this is important as it emphasises that no one will be allowed to take the law in their own hands, and those who do, will be brought before the court of justice. What happened in Jaranwala is extremely tragic and intolerable, and we must make a resolve to ensure that such injustice is never allowed to take place again.