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Zalmay Khalilzad in Donald Trump’s List for US Secretary of State Khaama Press, Nov 12 2016

Reports have emerged regarding the possible picks in Donald Trump’s administration less than a week after he was elected as the new US President.
A list of the possible picks for the cabinet and other key posts has been handed over to Vice President-elect Mike Pence, which include a host of corporate consultants and lobbyists in addition to independent experts.
According to The New York Times, the former US Ambassador to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad and the former commander of the US forces in Afghanistan Stanley A. McChrystal are among the possible picks for the post of Secretary of State.
The picks for the post include John R. Bolton Former United States ambassador to the United Nations under George W. Bush, Bob Corker Senator from Tennessee and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Newt Gingrich Former House speaker.
Khalilzad has served as the US Ambassador to Afghanistan from November 2003 to June 2005 under the George W. Bush administration and moved to Iraq in 2005 to serve as the US Ambassador until April 2007.
He has also served as the US Ambassador to the United Nations until late June 2009.

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