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Women-Run Radio Station Banned in Afghanistan’s Badakhshan

report in Khaama Press online, March 31, 2023
Taliban have shut down Radio Sadai-e- Banowan in northeastern Badakhshan province over an alleged violation of the ruling regime’s broadcasting policy, according to the officials of the local radio station.

According to the Taliban’s Director of Information and Culture in Badakhshan province, Moezuddin Ahmadi, the women-run radio station was forced to cease its operation due to broadcasting music, during the holy month of Ramadan, according to local sources.

It is also reported that the Taliban’s Director of Information and Culture and the official of the Department of vice and virtue of the province on Thursday shut down the radio station and locked its doors.

Najla Shirzad, director of the radio station, however, denied broadcasting music and violating the Taliban’s policy.

Ms. Shirzad relates the group’s decision of shutting down the radio in response to the programs about girls’ education that her radio had aired recently.

Despite many challenges, the women-run radio station continued its operations with female employees at their homes over the past year. Since the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan, the group has imposed serious restrictions on media and journalism.

As per the Taliban announcement, journalists and media outlets are not allowed to speak against the ruling regime or criticize the Taliban members.

The United Nations and the International community have repeatedly called on Afghanistan’s de facto authorities to respect the freedom of speech, media freedom, as well rights of all the people of Afghanistan. However, the Islamic Emirate authorities pursue their policies and priorities regarding such matters.