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Wana traders’ protest continues for ninth day

By Adam Khan Wazir in The News, Sept 2, 2023
WANA: The protest of various trade unions for providing facilities and solving legitimate demands on the Pak-Afghan border Angoor Adda continues for the ninth day.

The protesters include local leaders of South Waziristan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Trade Union, Fresh Fruit Union and Waziristan Transport Union and various other unions.

In this regard, Taj Muhammad Wazir, who participated in the protest, said that due to the lack of facilities and relaxation at the Pak-Afghan border, commercial activities have come to a standstill, and due to which not only the business community or the local people are affected but the country’s exchequer is losing crores of rupees on a daily basis.

On this occasion, Taj Wazir told the media that two days ago, negotiations of the security forces’ officials and the business community held and two demands were included in it that an empty vehicle or truck will not be taken in place of a jar, while the entry of other vehicles will be relaxed, i.e. entry will be facilitated.

While the authorities concerned had accepted by promising us on the occasion, while two days have passed, there is no implementation of these two demands.

The traders while talking to the journalists said that ten thousand people have become unemployed due to the lack of facilities at the Pak-Afghan Border Angoor Adda Gate.

The stoves of their houses have become cold, besides, the local people have no livelihood to feed their children.

He alleged that the government is not taking prompt action and not showing any seriousness regarding the facilities at the border.

He further said that if the government does not take steps to immediately resolve the legitimate demands of the traders at the Pak-Afghan border Angoor Adda gate and now they will hold protests all over Pakistan.

On the other hand, South Waziristan Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Saifur Rahman Wazir said that they are in contact with the presidents of other Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the country and if the government does not solve the problems and demands immediately, they will call for protest at the national level.