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University Professor and Activist ‘Ismail Mashal’ Not Released: Sources

by Nizamuddin Rezahi in Khaama Press online, Mar 3, 2023
Several local media outlets reported that university lecturer and social activist Ismail Mashal was released, however, a close source to him rejected the rumors to Khaama Press, and said is still in detention.

On Thursday evening, local news outlets quoting from Taliban security officials claimed that professor Mashal was released.

One of Mashal’s relatives named Farid, who is also a lecturer, rejected the news – saying that rumors have been circulating on social media, but Mashal is still in detention.

Mashal was arrested nearly a month ago by the Taliban security forces in Kabul. Prior to his arrest, he had run a campaign to distribute books to people while wheeling his “library cart” through Kabul streets, aimed at generating awareness around the ban on education for women and girls.

Back in December, Mashal tore up his education certificates on a live TV show in protest against the Taliban’s ban on the rights of women and girls to education. During the TV show, he emphatically said if girls are not allowed to educate and learn, he has no intention to serve as a lecturer anymore in his country.

The Director of Publications of the Ministry of Information and Culture Abdul Haq Hammad described Mashal’s protest about the ban on girls’ education as a “provocative move” against the ruling regime.

This comes as the Taliban regime is accused of violating human rights in Afghanistan. The violations include barring women and girls to attend education, work, and sports. Furthermore, it is also reported that local and foreign journalists are detained for unknown reasons. Social activists and rights groups are threatened to criticize the ruling regime or speak against the Taliban members.

On the contrary, Mr. Hammad had claimed the group has not deliberately committed any acts of violence against journalists and social activists in Afghanistan. He further added the situation was complicated for journalists during the republic period. Now there is no major obstacle for journalists throughout Afghanistan.