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UN Human Rights Chief raises concerns about Afghan detentions in Pakistan

report in Khaama Press online, Nov 15, 2023
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights expressed concern regarding the arbitrary expulsion and mistreatment of Afghan migrants in Pakistan and the destruction of their property.

In a statement, Volker Türk stated that from September 15 to November 11, over 327,000 people had entered Afghanistan from Pakistan. He further added that the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights had received reports claiming that Afghans while crossing the border into Afghanistan, have faced misconduct from Pakistani authorities.

The statement quoted an Afghan migrant who said, “Local police attacked our house at night. They confiscated cash, jewellery, goats, sheep, and other belongings from our house and took them away. As we were leaving, a bulldozer started demolishing our house.”

The statement also noted that arbitrary detention and deportation go against Pakistan’s commitments and international laws.

Volker Türk wrote in his statement, “Many Afghans, with minimal financial resources, have been forced to leave their homes and livelihoods. Furthermore, they have been coerced into paying bribes or relinquishing their assets.”

In this statement, concerns were also raised about the situation of former security officials, ethnic and religious minorities, women and girls, human rights defenders, civil society activists, and media workers who are being forced to leave Pakistan.

Volker Türk added, “Pakistan must protect individuals who may face irreparable harm, such as harassment, torture, mistreatment, or other inhumane treatment, upon returning to Afghanistan.”

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights called upon the Pakistani government to suspend the Afghan migrant expulsion program and investigate complaints of misconduct by its authorities.