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UN Experts concerned about expelled Afghan women and girls from Pakistan:

By Fidel Rahmati in The Khaama Press Online, December 8, 2023
UN experts have warned that displaced migrants from Pakistan, especially women and girls, are facing widespread human rights violations in Afghanistan.

A group of at least ten UN experts recently issued a joint statement, expressing grave concerns about the unregulated expulsion of Afghan migrants by Pakistan, which has placed them at significant risk. Upon their return to Afghanistan, these migrants are facing human rights violations.

These experts have identified women and girls as the primary victims of Pakistan’s decision, and they have expressed concern that there is a high likelihood of trafficking of girls upon their return to Afghanistan. The statement does not provide detailed information about the potential trafficking of girls.

The statement reads, “Afghan citizens, especially women and girls, are at risk of trafficking upon their return. Religious and ethnic minorities are also vulnerable to retaliation and persecution.”

Experts, including Richard Bennett, the UN Human Rights Rapporteur on Afghanistan, have stated that Pakistan’s decision has led to returning women facing systematic human rights violations in Afghanistan. The statement further states, “Girls and women returning to Afghanistan are at risk of forced marriages, trafficking, denial of education, and employment opportunities.”

UN experts have called on the international community to assist host countries of Afghan migrants in providing better living opportunities for them.

Pakistan initiated an unprecedented decision to expel over a million undocumented Afghan migrants on the eve of winter, and to date, more than 300,000 Afghans have returned to their country.