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Tribesmen block Pak-Afghan highway to protest driver’s abduction

by Ahmad Nabi in the Nation, Dec 11, 2022
KHYBER – The tribesmen of Landi Kotal blocked the pak-afghan highway in protest over a truck driver’s abduction by unidentified robbers in Kashmore, Sindh, and demanded that the provincial government should take immediate action to secure the truck driver’s safe release.

Along with local political figures, members of public and transporters blocked the sultan-Khel Landi Kotal road in the Takia area with stones and other obstructions.

Member Provincial Assembly (MPA) Shafiq Sher, Tehsil Chairman haji shah Khalid, Khyber Transport Union Leader shakir afridi, elite of Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) Mufti Ijaz and others categorically condemned the abduction of the local driver Imran afridi in Kashmore.

As per abductee’s family sources, the kidnappers had demanded rs 20 million as ransom money which was impossible for the poor family to pay. a video has been making the rounds on social media, showing the victim being beaten by the kidnappers, challenging the writ of sindh government. They asked the sindh government to take action against the kidnappers and ensure the safe release of the trucker.

The protestors threatened if their co-tribesman was not recovered in due course, they would initiate protest demonstrations in peshawar and Islamabad. The protest was given up till coming Tuesday after assurance of the sindh government. Long queues of vehicles including afghanistan supply trucks were witnessed on both sides of the blockage point.