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Taliban issue new warning to media after suicide attack on journalists

KHAAMA PRESS – Thu Jan 21 2016, 10:42 am Claiming responsibility for the attack on the shuttle bus of Kaboora Production, a sister entity to TOLO TV, in which seven employees of the production lost lives and more than 20 others sustained injuries, Afghan Taliban have issued a new warning to media.

“We assure security to true media. They unknowingly should not go parallel with Tolo and refrain from useless expressions and decisions. If not, they won’t harm us.” States a statement released by the militant group after the attack.

They had warned attacks on Tolo as well as another Kabul-based TV “1TV” in October last year.

“Tolo and 1 TV channels are spearheads among these propaganda networks tasked with promoting the intellectual, cultural and information invasion of the infidels in Afghanistan. These networks with the complete backing of the Americans ridicule our religious and cultural norms, encourage obscenity and lewdness, inject the minds of youth with dangerous substances such as irreligiousness, immorality, violence, gambling, intermixing and profanity and specifically spread propaganda filled with hate and open enmity against Jihad and Mujahideen.” The group wrote in October statement.

“Hereafter all the reporters and associates of these channels will be deemed enemy personnel, all of their centers, offices and dispatched teams will be considered military objectives which will be directly eliminated.”

Taliban issue new warning to media after suicide attack on journalists

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