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Taliban (IEA) Should Learn From Past Experience 1996-2001: Russia

report in Khaama Press online, Dec 24, 2022
Amid the growing economic crisis and uncertain political situation, the Russian Special Representative for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov stated that his country is ready to assist the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) to revive “intera-Afghan dialogue”.

In a TV interview with the Indian newspaper, ‘The Hindu’ Kabulov said, “Taliban (IEA) can learn from the mistakes made by the former President (Ghani) and from its previous experience in 1996-2001.”

“Finding a solution through a comprehensive intra-Afghan consultation is completely up to the Afghan people, and the IEA authorities are responsible to the pave the way for such mechanisms to guide the country towards peace and prosperity,” he further added.

Considering the tangible inter-group divisions between the IEA authorities and the opposition of the former government politicians, Russia is ready to play a vital role by extending its cooperation in reviving intra-Afghan talks, if called by the IEA.

Kabulov avoided speaking about his country’s stake in the Afghan Taliban’s decision to ban university education for women, although, many countries have previously condemned the decision and called on IEA authorities to revoke the decision.

He further added Afghanistan’s interim authorities have no consensus on important matters such as women’s education and freedom, as well as other key issues.

This comes as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s latest decision on the complete ban on women’s university education drew criticism on national and international levels.

In response to the act, some women activists and female students on Thursday chanted “education for all or none” as walking through the roads in Kabul. Many university lecturers in Kabul and other provinces resigned from their positions in order to show solidarity with Afghan girls for being deprived of their inherent right of getting an education.