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Takhar women demand release of detained activists:

By Fidel Rahmati in The Khaama Press Online, November 20, 2023
In Takhar province, a group of courageous women is demanding the release of women’s rights activists currently detained by the Taliban administration.

These activists have been champions of gender equality and women’s empowerment in the country, tirelessly advocating for women’s fundamental rights and opportunities. However, their recent arrest has raised concerns about their safety and the future of women’s rights in the country.

The women of Takhar are steadfast in their support for these activists, calling for their immediate release and emphasizing the importance of preserving the progress made in women’s rights.

On Sunday, the women, under the banner of the “Independent Coalition of the Protest Movement,” gathered at an undisclosed location to demand the Taliban administration release the detained women.

In a video circulating on social media, these women from the “Independent Coalition of the Protest Movement” declare, “The current regime cannot silence the voice of justice by detaining and suppressing protesting women.”

Meanwhile, the Political Participation of Women Network in Kabul has strongly condemned the recent detention of women’s rights activists and called on human rights organizations to take action for their release.

It is worth noting that four women’s rights activists, including Neda Parwani, Julia Parsi, Manizha Sadiqi, and Parisa Azadi, are currently in custody under the Taliban regime and have not provided information about their detention or whereabouts.

Amnesty International expressed deep concerns about the detention of these women, highlighting the gravity of the situation.

Nasir Ahmad Faiq, Afghanistan’s representative at the United Nations, characterizes these continued detentions as a violation of both Islamic and international laws.

The situation underscores growing international and domestic concerns about the treatment of women’s rights activists and the broader human rights situation in Afghanistan under the Taliban’s rule.