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Take to streets for ‘one last time’

Report in The Daily Star, Oct 21, 2023
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir yesterday urged the party rank and file to take to the streets with courage just for a few more days after the Durga Puja to oust the government.

Speaking at a seminar on agriculture, he also criticised the prime minister for branding BNP as a terrorist party, and said Awami League is the godfather of terrorism.

He urged their party leaders and activists not to be worried about the ruling party’s threats and attacks since they have been facing such repression for one and a half decades.

He said the government arrested 77 BNP leaders and activists in the capital just on Thursday.

“For the last time I would like to ask the government: you please resign peacefully with dignity and put power in the hands of a neutral and non-partisan government,” he said.

“Sonali Dal”, (Golden Panel) an organisation of BNP-supported teachers of Bangladesh Agricultural University arranged the seminar at Dhaka Reporters’ Unity (DRU).

Fakhrul alleged that the people are suffering due to unusual hikes in prices of daily essentials.

“The rise in commodity prices is unprecedented. Prices have increased somewhat in all countries. But the increase in Bangladesh is unprecedented. There are many reasons behind this. But the main reason is lack of accountability of the government,” he said.

He said the government is procuring new vehicles for the DCs and UNOs while the people cannot buy necessary food items and vegetables.

The BNP leader said the country’s people have lost their rights to vote and get justice as the government has established a reign of terror.