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Posts tagged as “withdrawal”

US to conduct new interviews on deadly Kabul bombing

AFP Report, Sept 17, 2023WASHINGTON: The United States said Friday it will interview more witnesses of a suicide bombing that killed scores of people — among them 13 US troops — during the withdrawal from Afghanistan. A US investigation concluded that the August 26, 2021 Abbey Gate bombing in Kabul could not have been prevented, but Republican lawmakers have piled pressure on President Joe Biden’s administration over both the attack and the chaotic nature of…

Biden pledges ongoing support for Afghanistan

report in Khaama Press online, August 31, 2023US President Joe Biden reassures continued support for the people of Afghanistan on the second anniversary of the US military withdrawal from the country. In a statement released on the White House website, President Joe Biden highlighted that the US remains Afghanistan’s largest humanitarian assistance donor. He also paid tribute to the sacrifice of American service members, noting that 2,461 died and 20,744 were wounded throughout the two-decade…

US Senators Criticize Downplaying of Terrorism Risk in Afghan Report:

By Banafsha Binesh in TOLOnews, April 10, 2023 at 9:29 PMUS Senators expressed criticism over the report released by the Biden administration over the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, which they say downplayed the risk of terrorism. Speaking to Fox News, Senator Lindsey Graham said that regarding what happened in Afghanistan, Biden “paved the way for another 9/11.” Graham accused the officials of a “political whitewash.” Senator Ben Cardin said that the major mistake was due…