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Posts tagged as “WATERS”

Sri Lanka’s sea is only for Sri Lankans – Edit in Daily Mirror, Oct 10, 2023

Only a small number of Sri Lankans might have taken note of the recent reports that around 100 Indian fishermen and over a dozen Indian fishing vessels had been apprehended by the Sri Lankan Navy for engaging in bottom trawling activities in the island’s waters during the first eight months of the year. Since this has been a routine issue that occasionally makes headlines, people of this country tend to ignore it as something that…

SL seeks innocent passage via Indian territorial waters to enter Arabian Sea

by Kelum Bandara in Daily Mirror, July 6, 2023*It saves 400 nautical miles for SL multi-day fishing vessels**Prez to discuss matter when visiting New DelhiSri Lanka will seek fresh diplomatic engagements with India to secure what is termed ‘an innocent passage’ through its territorial waters for Sri Lankan fishermen to enter the Arabian Sea for multi-day fisheries, a minister said. Currently, Sri Lankan multi- day fishing vessels taking to the sea from areas like Negambo,…

Seized Indian trawlers gifted to northern fishermen

By S. Rubatheesan in The Sunday Times, Feb 12, 2023Fisheries Minister Douglas Devananda donated fishing boats seized from Tamil Nadu fishermen who were illegally fishing in Sri Lankan waters to Sri Lankan fishermen moments after welcoming an Indian Union State Minister who arrived in Jaffna on Thursday for the opening of the Rs. 1.3 billion Cultural Centre, a gift by the Government of India. Five massive high-horse-powered boats used for illegal bottom trawling by the…