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Posts tagged as “unemployment”

Sense of powerlessness growing in masses: HRCP

report in The News, Nov 13, 2023LAHORE: Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has expressed its concern over the growing sense of powerlessness among ordinary people amid economic deprivation and unemployment. The most serious victims of political engineering in the run-up to the general elections have been democracy, electoral politics and the rule of law. HRCP condemned the continuing curbs on freedom of expression, saying not only have journalists been summarily removed for expressing dissenting…

Unemployment figure to hit 5.6m

by Amin Ahmed in Dawn, Sept 15th, 2023ISLAMABAD: The Intern­ational Labour Organisation (ILO) says Pakistan’s labour market has yet to recover fully from the Covid-19 pandemic and economic crisis, and the number of persons unemployed is projected to reach 5.6 million this year, an increase of 1.5m since 2021. This estimate matches the IMF’s projected unemployment rate of 8.5 per cent in 2023, up from 6.2pc in 2021, the ILO said in its employment outlook…

How China Made Its Housing Crisis Worse

By Keith Bradsher in The NY Times, Aug 25, 2023In China the pension akin to Social Security in the United States pays about $410 a month to seniors who live in cities, and only $25 a month in the countryside. Public health care covers less than half of people’s costs. Unemployment insurance provides around $220 a month; the U.S. average is nearly $1,700. China’s consumer safety net is full of holes, even when accounting for…

Amid Growing Unemployment in Afghanistan, Baradar Calles it ‘Foreign Porpaganda’

By Nizamuddin Rezahi in Khaama Press online, June 28, 2023Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs of Afghanistan Abdul Ghani Baradar on Wednesday on the occasion of Eid al-Adha prayer said there is enough work in Afghanistan, adding foreigners fuel the rumor of unemployment. While speaking at the presidential palace (Arg) Abdul Ghani Baradar said that perhaps the employment situation in the country is not favorable, however, the rumors spread by foreign media is not true…

Nepal staring at impending ‘stagflation’, economists say

by Sangam Prasain & Krishana Prasain in The Kathmandu Post, June 20, 2023Nepal is staring at stagflation, a scenario where an economy faces high inflation, low growth and high unemployment—all at the same time, economists said on Monday. Nepal’s efforts to stamp out a surge in inflation have slowed the economic growth rate sharply. At the start of the current fiscal year, the government had pompously declared that the economy would grow by an astounding…

Nepal staring at impending ‘stagflation’, economists say

by Sangam Prasain & Krishana Prasain in The Kathmandu Post, June 20, 2023Nepal is staring at stagflation, a scenario where an economy faces high inflation, low growth and high unemployment—all at the same time, economists said on Monday. Nepal’s efforts to stamp out a surge in inflation have slowed the economic growth rate sharply. At the start of the current fiscal year, the government had pompously declared that the economy would grow by an astounding…