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Posts tagged as “Turkey”

Deportees from Pakistan, Iran, Turkey Called for Halt to Expelling Refugees:

Report in TOLOnews Online, Nov 20, 2023 at 10:02 PMThe Afghans who were deported by Pakistan, Iran and Turkey called on host countries to stop expelling the refugees. They also voiced concerns over the mistreatment of the host countries’ police towards the Afghan refugees. Nazia, a mother of three children, said that she has recently been deported from Iran. Nazia said that her husband also was arrested by Iranian police. “They took six million [Iranian…

More than 3,000 migrants return to Afghanistan from Turkey in 20 days

By Fidel Rahmati in THe Khaama Press Online, November 12, 2023In the last 20 days, 3,090 Afghan people were flown from Turkey to Kabul due to deportation, as reported by the head of the Legal Support Directorate of the Ministry of Refugees’ Affairs. According to the source, among these 3,090 individuals who were deported by air, there were 7 families and 7 children. Assistance in the form of cash has been provided to 3,083 of…

Muttaqi Meets with Diplomats of Islamic Emirate in Turkey:

Report in TOLOnews Online, Oct 29, 2023 at 10:48 PMThe acting Foreign Minister, Amir Khan Muttaqi, met with the diplomats of the Islamic Emirate in Turkey and urged them to perform their duties and provide services to the Afghans based in Turkey without any discrimination, the spokesman for MoFA said on X. Balkhi in a separate tweet wrote that Muttaqi met with the Special Coordinator, Independent Assessor of the UN, Feridun H. Sinirlioğlu in Istanbul,…

Bangladesh buying 90,000 tear gas shells from Turkey

by Jamal Uddin in Dhaka Tribune, Sept 7, 2023*Opposition plans to gear up movement**Police preparing to prevent anarchy***Speedy disposal of 134 pending cases soughtDozens of political parties participating in the anti-government movement have geared up protests to occupy the streets with their demand for the resignation of the prime minister and a neutral interim administration ahead of the 12th national election. The other major demands of the opposition bloc, led by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party…

Turkey Deports Nearly 230 Afghan Migrants:

By Fidel Rahmati in The Khaama Press Online, June 25, 2023Nearly 230 Afghan migrants have been deported from different cities in Turkey, according to Turkish media outlets. According to reports, most deported Afghan refugees were undocumented and illegal migrants. Based on the reports, the Turkish authorities have emphasized that they will continue identifying illegal asylum seekers in the eastern city of Agri, Turkey. Earlier, the General Directorate of Migration of Turkey announced that it had…

West Kicks Off Visit to Region to Discuss Afghan Situation:

By Banafsha Binesh in TOLOnews Online, April 12, 2023 at 10:52 PMThe US special envoy for Afghanistan, Thomas West, is traveling to the UAE, Qatar and Turkey to discuss the situation in Afghanistan. In Doha, West will meet with Qatari colleagues, Afghan civil society leaders, and partner missions, according to a statement of the US Department of State. The statement said that West will also meet with his UAE counterpart, and Afghan business and thought…

Turkey Deports 365 Undocumented Afghan Migrants:

By Fidel Rahmati in The Khaama Press Online, April 10, 2023365 Afghan migrants were reportedly deported in the previous two days from Turkey. Turkish media reported on Monday that 365 illegal migrants who were recently deported from Turkey, 138 of them on Saturday and 277 of them on Sunday, arrived at Kabul from Aghra City by an Afghan plane. Earlier in January, over 68290 Afghan nationals were deported from Turkey, out of 124,441 illegal immigrants…

Turkey’s Foreign Minister says inter action With Kabul Will Continue

By Banafsha Binesh in ToloNews, Apr 8, 2023 at 9:20 PMTurkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said in a press conference on Friday with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov that he will continue to interact with Kabul without recognizing the current Afghan government. Addressing the conference, Cavusoglu criticized the Islamic Emirate’s policy toward women and said that the recent orders issued by the current government are unacceptable. “We discussed the situation in Afghanistan during today’s meeting.…