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Posts tagged as “Terrosist”

Islamabad Calls on Kabul to Take Action Against ‘Terrorist Entities’:

Report in TOLOnews, March 26, 2023 at 7:17 PMPakistan Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch called on the Afghan interim government to take steps against “terrorist entities and to ensure that they do not pose a threat to Pakistani people and Pakistani security forces.” Speaking at a press conference, Baloch said they are in “contact with the Afghan interim authorities on security and counter-terrorism matters including our concerns regarding terrorist entities which have hideouts in…

Special forces ready to check militant attack across Bangladesh

by Riyadh Talukder in Dhaka Tribune, Mar 27, 2023The law enforcement agencies are on high alert to prevent any kind of terrorist attack during Ramadan, Eid and Bengali New Year celebrations. Intelligence surveillance has been increased and required information are being collected. However, the law enforcement agencies do not have any information about the capability of the militants to carry out attacks or their plan to carry out any attack. Various units of the law…