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Posts tagged as “Tehran”

Fuel for tea deal: SL breaks promise to Iran

By Amith Gamage in Ceylon Today, Aug 19, 2023It has been revealed that though Sri Lanka had received fuel from Iran, in exchange for tea, during the early part of last year, to tide over its dollar and economic crisis, thus far the Government has failed to keep up its promise to Tehran. It has come to light that though Sri Lanka had received USD 250 million worth of fuel from Iran, the Government has…

Kabul Stresses Need for Negotiation with Tehran Over 1973 Water Treaty:

Report in TOLOnews, June 01, 2023 at 9:26 PMThe acting Minister of Energy and Water, Abdul Latif Mansour, emphasized the need for negotiations to address the issue of the Helmand water treaty, saying that the issue should not become politicized. In an interview with TOLOnews, Mansour said that any kind of provocative remarks should be avoided. “As you have referred to, we have cleared the stance of the ministry in this regard. We are committed…

Iran handed over Afghan Embassy in Tehran to Interim Regime of Afghanistan

By Fidel Rahmati in Khaama Press, Feb 27, 2023The Afghanistan embassy in Tehran was “formally” handed over to the Taliban on Sunday afternoon, according to an Afghan diplomat in Iran. The outgoing ambassador of Afghanistan gave over all documents and equipment of the Afghanistan embassy in Tehran to the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to a source, the Taliban-led government has appointed Fazl Mohammad Haqqani, the first secretary of the former ambassador of Afghanistan…

Iran to Handover Afghan Embassy in Tehran to Interim Regime of Afghanistan

By Nizamuddin Rezahi in Khaama Press online, Feb 21, 2023The Iranian Foreign Ministry plans to hand over the Afghan Embassy in Tehran to the Afghan interim government after months of negotiations, according to unofficial sources. Iran will officially hand over the embassy to the Taliban in the coming days according to an Afghan diplomat who has been in contact with the officials of the Iranian foreign ministry. A serious decision has been made in this…

Iran Confirms Changes in Leadership of Afghan Embassy in Tehran

By Fatema Adeeb in Tolo News, Feb 21, 2023 at 8:55 PMFollowing reports that the Afghan embassy’s leadership had changed in Tehran, the Iranian Foreign Ministry confirmed the change of diplomats, but said that this does not mean a change in the embassy’s legal status in Iran. The spokesperson for the Iranian foreign ministry, Nasser Kanani, said during a press conference that Tehran’s interactions with the current Afghan government has not changed. “The end of…

Iran Considers Establishing a Trade Center in Afghanistan

By Nizamuddin Rezahi in Khaama Press online, Feb 1, 2023Mohammad Mousavi, Iran’s Deputy Minister of Trade on Tuesday in a meeting said that Tehran is planning to set up a trade center in Afghanistan in the coming future. The establishment of the trade center is aimed at strengthening trade relations between Tehran and Kabul, Mousavi stated to Mehr New Agency. While addressing to meeting Mousavi said that Tehran wanted to invest in Afghanistan and actively…

Afghan Delegation Visits Tehran for Quadrilateral Talks on Refugees

By Saqalain Eqbal in Khaama Press online, Dec 11, 2022A delegation from the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation visited Tehran, the capital of Iran, to participate in quadrilateral talks on the challenges and difficulties faced by Afghan refugees, Iranian media reported. According to Iran’s Mehr News Agency, the refugee and repatriation delegation from Afghanistan reached the Iranian capital to discuss the situation of Afghan refugees in Iran after reports of forced repatriation and ill-treatment surfaced.…