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Posts tagged as “Sumanthiran”

Sumanthiran: President has reneged on promises

Report in The Island, July 22, 2023 President Ranil Wickremesinghe was adept at causing rifts in political parties, TNA MP M.A. Sumanthiran said in a television interview on Friday.The MP also said that the Tamil political parties had met the President earlier this week. “During the meeting, I told the President that former President Mahinda Rajapaksa had promised India three times that he would fully implement the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. President Rajapaksa said…

Sumanthiran: Excavation of supposed mass grave site doesn’t conform to international standards

By Dinasena Ratugamage in The Island, July 8, 2023Tamil National Alliance (TNA) MP M.A. Sumanthiran on Friday said that the excavation of a supposed mass grave of LTTE cadres at Kokkuthuduwai, Mullativu, was not being carried out according to international standards. The excavation of the alleged mass grave site commenced on Thursday (06) following an order of the Mullaitivu magistrate.On 29 June, officials of the National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB) found human skeletal…

Sri Lanka’s TRC draft has nothing to solve Tamils’ concerns – Sumanthiran

by Shihar Aneez in Economy Next online, June 2, 2023A new draft on Sri Lanka’s Truth Reconciliation Commission (TRC) has failed to meet minimum expectations in addressing the concerns of ethnic minority Tamils who have lost their loved ones in what they allege as forced disappeared, in the final stage of the war, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) legislator M A Sumanthiran said. Thousands of people, mostly Tamils in Sri Lanka’s north and east, went…