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Posts tagged as “steel”

Border authorities resolve Torkham signboard dispute

by Ibrahim Shinwari in Dawn, Dec 7th, 2023KHYBER: Border auth­orities of Pakistan and Afg­h­anistan “amicably resolved” a dispute regarding the placement of a steel board on the Pakistan side, adorned with welcoming words on Wednesday. Officials at Torkham bor­der said that Afghan au­thorities initially objec­ted to the fixing of the ‘Wel­­come to Pakistan’ boa­rd and also suspended veh­icular traffic from its side while arguing that they were not taken into confidence over an ‘amendment in…

Police dig up weapons buried in Steel Town

report in The News, Feb 25, 2023Karachi: Police said on Friday they had dug up weapons buried near the new toll plaza in District Malir’s Steel Town. According to the Malir police spokesperson, the weapons included 64 shotguns, 16 pistols, a metal detector, and a wireless set, packed in six sacks. The police said the weapons were buried in the Karachi Development Authority’s land and they conducted a raid on an intelligence-based tip-off. During the…