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Posts tagged as “splitting”

Unified Socialist can’t keep key leaders after poll debacle

by Tika R Pradhan in Kathmandu Post, April 3, 2023The CPN (Unified Socialist), which was formed less than two years ago by splitting the CPN-UML, the country’s largest communist party, is gradually weakening as its leaders and cadres are ditching it and drifting back to the mothership. The party has been further weakened with several senior leaders quitting it after the recent presidential elections. The resignations came after party chair Madhav Nepal declined the CPN-UML’s…

Afghanistan coffers swell as Taliban taxman collects

AFP report in Business Recorder, Mar 10,. 2023KABUL: A dusty logjam of trucks inches across a rut in the mountains splitting Pakistan and Afghanistan, teeming with a cargo of fruit and coal — and paying the Taliban authorities for the privilege of passage. In downtown Kabul, a patrol of accountants inspects a bazaar, billing shopkeepers for trading honey, hair conditioner and gas hobs under the snapping white flag of the country’s new rulers. Afghanistan is…