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Posts tagged as “Shipment”

Govt, Russian embassy ‘at odds’ over LPG cargo

Reuters in Dawn, September 28th, 2023ISLAMABAD: Just a day after Russia claimed to have made its first Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) delivery to Pakistan, the government distanced itself from the import, triggering a controversy over the shipment amid an energy crisis. The energy ministry on Wednesday said Islamabad was ascertaining the facts after Russia’s embassy tweeted that Moscow had made its first LPG delivery to Pakistan. However, the ministry made it clear that the government…

First Chinese shipment enters Afghanistan through Torkham

report in Dawn, September 1st, 2023KHYBER: The first shipment from China to Afghanistan via Sust border under the Transports Internationaux Routiers (TIR) Convention crossed over to Afghanistan at Torkham border. A statement issued by local customs authorities said that this historic event marked a major development in the realm of transit trade and will go a long way in enhancing the transit trade activities on Pakistan Afghanistan border as well as strengthening economic ties with…

7 years since transit deal with China, no shipment has moved:

By Anil Giri in The Kathmandu Post, April 22, 2023Seven years after signing of the Trade and Transit Agreement with China that gives Nepal access to seven Chinese ports for third country trade, not a single shipment has moved. In the wake of a “punitive” Indian blockade after Nepal refused to delay the promulgation of constitution, then Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli in April, 2016, paid an official visit to China where two sides signed…