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Posts tagged as “services”

Kabul Residents Say They Struggle With Lack of Water

By Nawid Samadi in TOLOnews, July 13, 2023 at 4:01 PMResidents of the capital are concerned about the lack of drinking water in Kabul these days. They said that they do not have access to city water supply services and the price of the drinking water from private companies has also increased. “People’s problems are many. If you ring the bell, three days or four days later it will be your turn to get water.…

Economic sectors at risk from departures of 14,000 professionals

By Nadia Fazlulhaq in The Sunday Times, July 9, 2023The growing exodus of professionals and skilled workers to foreign countries will threaten the quality of services provided to the public, experts warn. Statistics reveal that the country’s heading towards a major brain drain with 14,307 professionals leaving the country last year compared with 2,957 professionals in 2020 and 8,373 in 2021. According to the Bureau of Foreign Employment, the majority of the professionals were between…

Four terrorists killed in security forces operations:

Report in The News, April 10, 2023RAWALPINDI: Two soldiers were martyred and four terrorists were killed in three separate encounters in South Waziristan and Balochistan, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said on Sunday. A fire exchange took place between the Pakistan Army troops and terrorists in the Razmak area of North Waziristan on Saturday. The troops effectively engaged the terrorists’ location and a terrorist was killed. Weapons and ammunition were also recovered from the killed…

Ruling coalition trains its focus on service delivery

Report in Kathmandu Post, January 7, 2023The common minimum programme, a document outlining the coalition government’s primary objectives, a draft of which was circulated on Friday, has focused on easing the delivery of government services. The document appears to have also addressed key concerns of the member parties of the ruling alliance. The draft of the common minimum programme prepared by a task-force led by Finance Minister Bishnu Paudel promises a time card system for…