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Posts tagged as “requrement”

Dengue outbreak: Imminent saline shortage feared as demand jumps over 1,000%

report in Dhaka Tribune, Aug 10, 2023As the dengue onslaught continues, demand for liquid saline in hospitals has increased exponentially, reaching 10-12 times (over 1,000%) the usual requirement, leading authorities to fear an imminent shortage in supply. Several medical institutions in Dhaka, including Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital, Mugda Medical College and Hospital, Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Sir Salimullah Medical College, and Institute of Child and Mother Health have already reported shortages. Patients are now apprehensive…

28.3 Million People in Afghanistan Need Humanitarian Aid: OCHA

By Mitra Majeedy in TOLOnews, April 04, 2023 at 7:13 PMThe United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), said that despite Afghanistan being the world’s largest and most severe humanitarian crisis, OCHA’s 2023 appeal has received less than 5% of its requirement to help people in need in Afghanistan. OCHA said that 28.3 million people in Afghanistan need humanitarian aid, of which 23% are women, 54% are children, and 8.3% of them…