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Posts tagged as “professor”

What went wrong?

by Touqir Hussain in Dawn, March 15th, 2023The writer, a former ambassador, is adjunct professor Georgetown University and Visiting Senior Research Fellow National University of Singapore.REGARDLESS of whoever ruled Afghanistan, the country has always been a problem for Pakistan. The latter’s strategic planners may have hoped that with the Afghan Taliban’s return to power the problem would be resolved. Instead, it has worsened. The Taliban’s rise has reflected the larger failure of Afghanistan that has…

Dubious distinctions

by Zafar Mirza in Dawn, January 13th, 2023by The writer is a former SAPM on health, professor of health systems at Shifa Tameer-i-Millat University and WHO adviser on UHC.PAKISTAN now has not only the fifth largest population in the world but it also bears a very heavy burden of disease. Also, negative determinants of health or risks to health abound and are on the rise. The combined effect of these three factors is harrowing. At…