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Posts tagged as “production”

UN sees ‘drastic’ rise in Afghan meth trade after opiate ban

AFP report, Sept 11, 2023KABUL: Trafficking of the highly addictive stimulant methamphetamine in Afghanistan has surged in recent years, said a UN report published on Sunday, indicating an expansion of the drug’s production following the Taliban’s crackdown on the opiate trade. Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers have clamped down on the decades-old, lucrative trade in poppy tar — the psychoactive substance in heroin — since surging back to power two years ago. But while the heroin trade…

Afghanistan Produced 80% of the World’s Opium in 2022: UN Report

By Fidel Rahmati in Khaama Press online, June 26, 2023The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reported that Afghanistan produced the majority of global illicit opium production in 2022, which makes 80%, despite the Taliban’s ban on opium cultivation in April last year. The report released a day before the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, said that the supply and trafficking of illegal drugs, including cocaine and methamphetamine, have increased…

Demand for Nepali tea rises to fill India’s output gap:

By Parbat Portel in The Kathmandu Post, June 07, 2023The writer is the Jhapa correspondent for Kantipur Publications.Demand for Nepali tea is rising in the Indian market as production has slipped across the border. Nepali tea traders say Indian tea estates are going through a lean period as the tea bushes there have reached the end of their life cycles. Most of the plants are 80 years old, and some are more than 100 years…

Afghanistan’s Drug Trade Flourishes Under the Ruling Regime

By Nizamuddin Rezahi in Khaama Press online, Dec 21, 2022After taking power last August, the Taliban promised to crack down on narcotics and explicitly ban the production, processing and sale of illicit drugs. The decree issued by the authorities of the interim regime to ban the production and sale of illicit drugs was not inadequately enforced, and Afghanistan’s drug trade started flourishing under the Taliban regime. Following the regime change in August 2021, the economy…

Timing of needed decisions critical: edit in Business Recorder, Nov 30, 2022

The PML-N (Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz), occupying nearly all economic-related ministries, barring commerce and industries and production – with both highly dependent on finance for launching any programme – have been reiterating since April, that their taking economically extremely challenging decisions, necessitated by the state of the economy they inherited, has cost them considerable popular support. The announcement of the relief package on 28 February 2022 by the then Prime Minister Imran Khan, envisaging a 10…