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Posts tagged as “presidnetial”

Which election comes first – presidential or parliamentary?

By Kelum Bandara in Daily Mirror, Dec 20, 2023Colombo, Dec.20 (Daily Mirror) – Political circles are abuzz with speculation whether President Ranil Wickremesinghe will declare the general elections ahead of the presidential elections scheduled before the end of October 17. Various news reports, circulating both in mainstream and social media, suggest that the general elections will precede the presidential elections. According to inside political sources, some of the key members of the United National Party…

Heads to roll at Prez. Secretariat

report in The Sunday Morning, Dec 17, 2023Several key officials, including President’s Chief of Staff Sagala Ratnayaka, currently serving at the Presidential Secretariat, are set to be removed from their current positions to join President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s upcoming Presidential Election campaign, according to sources within the Presidential Secretariat. The names of the key officials to be appointed to fill the vacancies remain undisclosed. Changes in the President’s official staff are anticipated as the campaign gears…

Prez undermining EC ahead of elections: SLPP rebel group

By Shamindra Ferdinando in The Island, Dec 5, 2023The rebel SLPP group yesterday (04) accused President Ranil Wickremesinghe of trying to bring the legislature under his control ahead of presidential and parliamentary polls scheduled for 2024 and 2025. Addressing the weekly media briefing at Nawala, top Opposition spokesperson and former External Affairs Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris alleged that Wickremesinghe’s recent threat to appoint a Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) to ascertain the status of the Constitutional…

SJB alleges section of govt. raising funds for next Prez election

By Shamindra Ferdinando in The Island, Nov 13, 2023Top SJB spokesman Mujibur Rahman yesterday (12) alleged that a section of the Wickremesinghe-Rajapaksa government seemed to be raising funds for the presidential election scheduled for next year.The former SJB MP said that a well-organised operation was underway to raise funds at the expense of the country. Rahman told The Island that the recent increase in the Special Commodity Levy (SCL) imposed on imported white sugar had…

GL: Ranil can’t extend GR’s five-year term

By Shamindra Ferdinando in The Island, Sept 19, 2023Rebel SLPP MP Prof. G. L. Peiris yesterday (18) asked President Ranil Wickremesinghe whether the latter intended to postpone the next presidential election indefinitely by claiming the government lacked sufficient funds for conducting elections. The former External Affairs Minister raised the issue in the wake of UNP MP Vajira Abeywardena’s recent declaration that the government wouldn’t be able to meet the basic requirements of the people if…

Church to boycott Govt. until Easter CoI recomms. implemented

by Buddhika Samaraweera in The Island, Aug 30, 2023Church to boycott Govt. until Easter CoI recomms. implementedThe Catholic Church stated that it is not ready to discuss the related investigations with any party representing the Government until the recommendations made by the Presidential Commission of Inquiry (CoI), which investigated the Easter Sunday terror attacks of 21 April 2019, are implemented. Public Security Minister Tiran Alles on Monday (28) raised concerns about the extent of the…