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Posts tagged as “population”

Afghanistan tops global list for highest landmine-affected areas

By Fidel Rahmati in The Khaama Press Online, November 22, 2023The Danish Refugee Council recently announced that Afghanistan is recognized as one of the countries in the world with the highest landmine-affected areas. The pervasive presence of landmines in Afghanistan poses a significant humanitarian challenge, affecting the safety and livelihoods of the population. This issue not only contributes to the displacement of communities but also underscores the urgent need for coordinated efforts to address the…

Afghan population in Pakistan swells to 3.7m

report in The Express Tribune, Sept 25th, 2023.ISLAMABAD: The population of Afghan nationals residing in Pakistan has surged to 3.7 million as of June this year, with a mere 1.3 million of them officially registered with the authorities, as reported by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The data reveals that approximately 775,000 unregistered Afghans are currently residing in the country. A significant 68.8% of Afghan citizens in Pakistan have settled in urban…

ECP defends move to delay polls beyond 90-day limit

by Iftikhar A. Khan in Dawn, August 19th, 2023• Asserts fresh electoral rolls, delimitation are constitutional requirements, foregoing them would deprive voters of ‘true representation’• Says substantial changes have occurred in population of provinces, constituencies ISLAMABAD: Just a day after announcing a delimitation schedule that all but confirmed that polls would be delayed for longer than the stipulated 90-day period, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) defended its move, saying the exercise was a constitutional…

Activists blame punitive measures for prison overcrowding crisis; call for reforms

By Sandun Jayawardana in The Sunday Times, Aug 6, 2023,The Prisons Department said this week that the country’s prison population had grown rapidly since the start of 2023. While there is room for only 13,241 inmates within the prison system, there are about 19,000 suspects who are in remand custody in addition to about 10,000 prisoners. The total prison population stands at about 29,000. Overcrowding is also seen as a factor in the recent spread…

Deputy Minister Claims ‘95%’ of Afghans Do Not Want Women to Work

By Mohammad Farshad Daryosh in TOLOnews, July 13, 2023 at ‘ 9:10 PMThe deputy Minister of Public Work (MoPW), Din Mohammad Haqbin, claimed that 95 percent of the population of Afghanistan do not want women to work in the society. Deputy Minister Din Mohammad Haqbin in an interview with TOLOnews said that the Islamic Emirate in a decree is creating opportunities for widows to work. “Out of 100 percent, 95 percent of Afghans do not…

Minorities fear pre-polls violence

report in The Daily Star, June 25, 2023The number of minority population has not reduced by half under the Awami League-led government, but the policies leading towards a decline in minority population continues under this government, said Rana Dasgupta, general secretary of Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Oikya Parishad, yesterday. He made the remark refuting the claim made by six Congressmembers in a letter to the US president that the Hindu population has been halved since…

Lanka’s poor surge by 4 Mn to 31-pct of population: Survey

report in The Island, June 11, 2023Sri Lanka’s poor has surged by 4 million to 7 million since 2019 to 31 percent of the population in 2023, a survey has found as the country was hit by the worst currency crisis in the history of its central bank. A 10,000 person survey by LirneAsia, a regional policy research organization, found that 33 percent of the respondents had skipped a meal and 47 percent reduced their…

Lack of Female Doctors in Paktika

report in ToloNews, Mar 9, 2023 at 8:22 AMPaktika province has a population of 1.5 million peoople but just has three hospitals and two women doctors. Officials in this province said that due to the lack of female doctors, they have to appoint male doctors. Some residents of the province come to the hospital from far-off districts and called on officials to address their problems. Gul Bi Bi is a resident of Jhoshamand district and…

Kabul’s Isolation Undermining Aid, Development Efforts: ICG Report

By Banafsha Binesh in ToloNews, Feb 24, 2023 at 8:31 PMThe International Crisis Group said in a new report that the latest restrictions imposed by the Islamic Emirate have dealt women’s freedoms a “grievous blow” in Afghanistan and that they are also impeding delivery of life-saving assistance, disrupting the world’s largest aid operation even as half the population suffers from acute hunger. “The unrecognized regime’s isolation undermines humanitarian and development efforts,” the report said. “It…