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Posts tagged as “pollution”

Sutang in death grip

by Mintu Deshwara in The Daily Star, Apr 2, 2023The Sutang river, which was a blessing of nature for the people surrounding it, has now become a curse due to extreme pollution. Many people living on the bank of Sutang used to earn a livelihood by fishing in the river. But now its water has turned into a source of disease and germs. Even, crops are affected, if the river water is used for irrigation.…

River pollution: It’s now all over the country

by Pinaki Roy in The Daily Star, Mar 14, 2023Around two decades ago, river pollution was confined to mega cities like Dhaka and Chattogram. It has now spread to every town in the country. According to a new study, at least 56 rivers flowing through different parts of the country are suffering from extreme pollution during the lean period — when natural flows of rivers are at their lowest. Conducting a year-long physical survey and…