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Posts tagged as “PDM”

As elections near, major players steer away from PDM

by Kalbe Ali in Dawn, Sept 18th, 2023ISLAMABAD: Though it has not been officially announced, the largest political alliance in the country — the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) — has become ‘defunct’ and the larger political parties with considerable vote banks think they do not need the platform anymore. Smaller players, on the other hand, still hope for its revival ahead of polls likely to be held at the start of next year. Two years…

Back to politics

Editorial in Dawn, November 29th, 2022LAST weekend, quite remarkably, passed without incident. PTI chairman Imran Khan was able to conclude his long march peacefully, with a final show of power. He seems to have realised that there was little need for him to march into Islamabad for a confrontation with the PDM government, which in all likelihood would have entailed violence and clashes between his supporters and the police. Instead, he played politics with the…

Dissolution questions

Editorial in The News, Nov 29th, 2022It is obvious that PTI Chairman Imran Khan’s announcement that the PTI will be leaving all assemblies came as a surprise to all. But after a whole day having passed since the gauntlet was thrown, both the PTI and the sitting PDM government seem to have gone a bit quiet. Imran’s ‘political masterstroke’ per some analysts has also been seen with scepticism by other political observers who say this…