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Posts tagged as “passed”

MR defends himself

edit in The Sunday Island, Dec 3, 2023What has been widely described as the “historic” Supreme Court judgment which by a majority 4-1 decision of a five-judge bench held the Rajapaksa brothers, Mahinda, Gotabaya and Basil and other unelected officials including two past Governors of the Central Bank, a former Secretary to the President, a former Treasury Secretary and some members of the Central Bank Monetary Board responsible for landing the country in its current…

Another bill passed by parliament goes missing

by Iftikhar A. Khan in Dawn, Nov 5th, 2023ISLAMABAD: Yet another bill, which was passed by both houses of parliament months ago, has gone missing, it has emerged. A calling attention not­ice submitted with the Senate Secretariat, bearing the signatures of PPP Senators Saleem Mandvi­wala and Taj Haider, a copy of which is available with Dawn, invites the attention of the federal minister for parliamentary affairs to­wards the non-approval of “The Protection of Family Life…

Nepal passed over for rice export quotas

by Krishana Prasain in The Kathmandu Post, Sept 1, 2023Nepal’s request to India for rice export quotas remains unaddressed while it has allocated export quotas of non-basmati rice to Bhutan, Mauritius and Singapore. On Wednesday, India issued a notification through the Directorate General of Foreign Trade permitting the export of 79,000 tonnes to Bhutan, 14,000 tonnes to Mauritius and 50,000 tonnes to Singapore. India imposed a ban on the export of non-basmati rice on July…