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Posts tagged as “Paktika”

Victims of Raids by Foreign Forces in Paktika Want Compensation

report in ToloNews, July 5, 2023 at 9:48 PMThe relatives of the victims of a village in Mata Khan district of Paktika which was raided by foreign troops 15 years ago, are calling for compensation and justice. The residents of Ibrahim Kariz village said that 40 villagers including women and children were killed in the raid. Hafizullah, who lost his father and 15 other members of his family in the raids, told TOLOnews that many…

Security Forces Seize Weapons and Ammunition in Afghanistan’s Paktika

By Fidel Rahmati in Khaama Press online, June 26, 2023According to a statement released by the General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI) on Monday, Afghan security forces in the country’s eastern Paktika province have confiscated significant weapons and ammunition. The confiscated weapons and ammunition, according to the statement, include thousands of bullets and explosive devices, 35 rocket shells, four mines, 14 hand grenades, and some other unlawfully preserved munitions. They were found during operations in the…

2 People Publicly Flogged in Afghanistan’s Paktika

By Nizamuddin Rezahi in Khaama Press, June 4, 2023 Taliban’s Supreme Court has announced that two convicts accused of allegedly stealing in the Khusamand district of eastern Paktika province were flogged in public. The Supreme Court on Saturday in a statement said that Taliban security forces arrested the criminals who confessed to their crimes. According to the announcement of the Taliban’s Supreme Court, the convicts were punished in public so it should be an example…

Lack of Female Doctors in Paktika

report in ToloNews, Mar 9, 2023 at 8:22 AMPaktika province has a population of 1.5 million peoople but just has three hospitals and two women doctors. Officials in this province said that due to the lack of female doctors, they have to appoint male doctors. Some residents of the province come to the hospital from far-off districts and called on officials to address their problems. Gul Bi Bi is a resident of Jhoshamand district and…