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Posts tagged as “Organiszation”

Huji-B tries to resurface in guise of Ansar al Islam

by Nuruzzaman Labu in Dhaka Tribune, Aug 22, 2023The banned militant outfit Harkat-ul-Jihad-al Islami Bangladesh (Huji-B), which had direct involvement in the grenade attack on August 21, 2004, is now trying to resurface in the guise of another banned militant organization Ansar-Al-Islam The organization is still carrying out its operations in the country. Some top leaders were executed for their involvement in a grenade attack on August 21. Besides, some were arrested. Despite many challenges,…

216 Aid Organizations Closed Last Year: Nazari

By Banafsha Binesh in ToloNews, Aug 7, 2023 at 9:27 PMThe deputy Minister of Economy, Abdul Latif Nazari, said that nearly 220 aid organizations have been closed within the last year. Nazari said that the operations of these organizations have been halted due to not obeying guidelines. “If they don’t follow our laws and rules, then their license is cancelled. So, within one year the licenses of 216 organizations with four of them foreign organizations…

Forcefully Displacing, Relocating Ethnic Groups Should be Stopped in Afghanistan: CSTO

By Nizamuddin Rezahi in The Khaama Press Online, June 21, 2023The foreign ministers of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) demanded that the forced displacement and relocation of ethnic and religious groups in Afghanistan should be stopped. The foreign ministers of CSTO in a joint statement on Tuesday emphasized they respect the fundamental rights of all ethnic groups in Afghanistan. The statement was released by the foreign ministers of Russia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Belarus and…

CSTO on Afghanistan: ‘Unfavourable Trends’ in ‘Security Situation’

By Banafsha Binesh in TOLOnews Online, April 28, 2023 at 10:57 PMThe 37th meeting of the Working Group on Afghanistan at the CSTO Ministerial Council was held on Thursday, the organization said. The statement said: “There was a detailed exchange of views on the situation in Afghanistan. The participants noted the persistence of unfavorable trends in the security situation, including the growth of terrorist and drug threats emanating from the territory of this country. It…

OIC Delegation to Travel to Kabul:

By Bibi Amina Hakimi in TOLOnews, April 13, 2023 at 8:58 PMA delegation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation will travel to Kabul to discuss various issues with the Islamic Emirate, including lifting the ban on women’s work, the organization said. The OIC ambassador in Afghanistan stressed the need to lift the ban on women’s work and said that work for women should be provided, within the framework of Islam in the country. According to…

Mujahid Claims Daesh Threat in Afghanistan is ‘Propaganda’

report in Khaama Press online,April 3, 2023The Daesh group’s activities in Afghanistan have been reduced, and the organization is being dismantled, said Zabihullah Mujahid, a senior spokesperson of the interim government. In an interview with state-run TV RTA, Mujahid stressed that some countries are attempting to exaggerate and take advantage of the false propaganda about Daesh’s threats in Afghanistan. “Some countries accuse Daesh of their activities or claim Daesh has increased activity and is a…

UK Has Cut Funding for Save the Children, Says Organization:

By Banafsha Binesh in TOLOnews Online, March 25,2023 at 8:20 PMThe UK government has cut almost £6m in funding to a programme in Afghanistan supporting vulnerable women and girls, the Guardian Newspaper said, citing Save the Children. According to the report, Save the Children said it has been told by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office that it will receive just over £1m of a promised £7m to support more than 100,000 people to access…