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Posts tagged as “officails”

Kabul, Islamabad Discuss Afghan Immigrants’ Situation in Pakistan

report in TOLOnews, Sept 27, 2023 at 8:45 PMFollowing reports about the detention and mistreatment of Afghan immigrants in Pakistan by the Pakistani police, the Islamic Emirate’s spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said that they have discussed the issue with Pakistani officials. Mujahid said that Pakistani officials pledged that they would not harass Afghan immigrants. “We have protested both through the embassy and the institutions and the delegation who came. They promised that this situation will change.…

Gas shortage exposes Bangladesh, Pakistan economies to more pain

Reuters in Prothom Alo, Feb 221, 2023With a little over a month to go for peak shopping season during Ramadan, the head of Pakistan’s retail industry body is shuttling between meetings, pressing officials to relax orders that forced malls to shut by 8.30 p.m. to save energy. More than 40 per cent of annual retail sales occur in the 30 days of the holy month, and malls are packed between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.,…

Top US security official meets Sri Lanka president amid concerns over rising China’s influence

report on ECNOMYNEXT online, Jan 11, 2023 at 6:19 pm– A top United States security officials met Sri Lanka President Ranil Wickremesinghe and discussed maritime matters, the president’s office said, amid rising worries over Chinese activities in the Indian Ocean surrounded by the island nation. Rear Admiral Eileen Laubacher, the US Senior Director for South Asia for National Security Council met President Wickremesinghe and said that the U.S. values Sri Lanka’s partnership and is keen…