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Posts tagged as “Narcotics”

Russian UN Official Praises Afghan Counter-Narcotics Efforts:

Report in TOLOnews Online, Nov 12, 2023Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev expressed satisfaction over counter-narcotics in Afghanistan, saying that the “Taliban” has contributed more to the fight against drugs in Afghanistan in the past year than a two-decade effort by a coalition led by the United States. He said that the US-led coalition forces were interested in “exporting heroin” to Russia and other countries. “In less than a year, the Taliban, no matter…

US-Taliban talks focus on economy, human rights, anti-drug trafficking

report in The News, August 01, 2023WASHINGTON/KABUL: The US officials told Afghanistan’s Taliban that Washington was open to technical talks on economic stability and discussions on combating narcotics trafficking, the US State Department said on Monday following two days of talks in Qatar. Taliban officials raised the lifting of travel and other restrictions on Taliban leaders and the return of Afghan central bank assets held abroad, the Kabul administration said. The US side repeated concerns…

Drug being smuggled into country through 146 unprotected border points

by Ahmadul Hassan in Prothom Alo, Jun 26, 2023The Department of Narcotics Control (DNC) has identified 146 unprotected border points through which drugs are being smuggled into the country. Dangerous drugs, ice and yaba are being smuggled into the country from Myanmar through 66 land and river points while other traditional and non-traditional drugs, including heroin and phensedyl, are entering from India through other porous border points. These points are in 19 border districts. The…