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Posts tagged as “militry”

Kabul’s moment

Edit in The Express Tribune, Mar 1, 2023.A major success in counterterrorism has come the Kabul’s way. In what seems to be a well-choreographed operation, the Afghan Taliban took out IS-K’s top leader, who was also its military and intelligence chief. This will surely act as a deterrent and will go a long way in further consolidating the Afghan interim government’s grip over power, enabling them to tackle the terror fissures in a more comprehensive…

Security forces kill two terrorists in North Waziristan

report in The Express Tribune, Feb 3, 2023.Security forces on Friday killed two terrorists in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa’s (K-P) North Waziristan district, the military said in a statement. According to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the fire exchange took place between the security forces and terrorists in the general area of Esham. During the intense exchange of fire, it added, two terrorists were killed and weapons and ammunition were also recovered from them. The military’s media wing…

Blast Outside Military Airport in Kabul; Casualties Reported

by Mujeeb Rahman Awrang Stanikzai in TOLOnews, Jan 1, 2023 at 3:15 PMA blast took place on Sunday morning near the gate of the military airport in Kabul, a spokesman for the Ministry of Interior said. MoI spokesman Abdul Nafay Takoor said that the blast inflicted casualties, leaving several people dead and wounded. But he did not provide the exact number of casualties. “The incident happened at around 08:00 am. There were civilian casualties. Some…