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Posts tagged as “Media”

‘How social media is changing Pakistan’s society’

Unsigned Post on The Nation blogs, Jan 20, 20232023 serves as a year of resilience, financial growth, and prospects of making passive income come in handy with the use of social media platforms. People, in general, love the idea of it because of two reasons. First, it is one of the best ways to make money online. Secondly, social media puts apples and strawberries in the tree. It means the kind of work we do…

Nearly 500 Afghan Refugees Deported from Turkey

report in TOLOnews, Jan 9, 2023 at 10:58 PMTurkish media reported that at least 500 Afghan refugees have been deported by Ankara and that more than 5,000 others are in detention, who will also be deported soon. TOLOnews reached out to some of the deportees, who complained about mistreatment of Turkish forces with them. Bilal, a second year student of the faculty of political science, said that he went to Turkey seven months ago to…

Dahal promoting daughters at the expense of party leaders

by Tika R Pradhan inThe Kathmandu Post,Jan 3, 2023On December 25, an interesting photo was published in different media outlets, in which Ganga Dahal, the youngest daughter of Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, is seen shaking hands with CPN-UML chair KP Sharma Oli and the Maoist Center chair is seen talking to Oli while pointing at Ganga. The photo taken at the Balkot-based residence of Oli, speaks a lot as Ganga, according to leaders of…

Taliban (IEA) to Prosecute Afghan Media Outlets Operating from Abroad

By Nizamuddin Rezahi in Khaama Press, Jan 3, 2023The Taliban courts will soon announce its decision regarding the media outlets whose executives have fled the country and run the outlet from outside the country Afghanistan International reports. Abdu Haq Hemad, director of media assessment at the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s ministry of information and culture has accused the media organizations of spreading propaganda against the ruling regime. “A decision has been made regarding these media…

Farahi: Islamic Emirate Supports Afghanistan’s Media

by Nazir Shinwari in TOLOnews, Dec 30, 2022 at 9:00 PM .The deputy minister of information and culture for publications, Hayatullah Muhajir Farahi, said that the issues facing the media will be resolved. In a special interview with TOLOnews, Farahi noted that the directorate has replaced the commission for access to information. “The Islamic Emirate and especially the Ministry of Information and Culture support the media in every way, and we continue our efforts to…

Three army men martyred, two militants killed in Kurram

by Dilawar Wazir in Dawn, December 30th, 2022PESHAWAR / SOUTH WAZIRISTAN: Three Pak­is­tan Army soldiers were mar­tyred in the Arawali area of Khyber Pakhtun­khwa’s Kurram district on Thursday in a gunfight with militants, the military’s media wing said in a statement. Separately, two people were killed in South Wazir­istan district when security forces opened fire at a car when its driver failed to stop at a checkpoint. The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) identified the martyred…

Proposals for India’s Projects in Afghanistan Under Review: Report

By Bibi Amina Hakimi, in ToloNews, Dec 29, 2022 at 9:06 PMWork on Indian projects in Afghanistan has been halted over security and political situation, Indian media reported, citing the country’s External Affairs Ministry. Based on the reports, India’s development partnership with Afghanistan includes more than 500 projects spread across each of its 34 provinces and in various sectors. “Several proposals in this regard are already under process. Due to the political and security situation…

Factbox: Jama’atul Ansar Fil Hindal Sharqiya

A quick look at what we know about this group till nowReport in Dhaka Tribune, Dec 27, 2022Law enforcers have disclosed to the media some details of the activities of a new locally-grown armed group of religious extremists after the arrest of some operatives and discovery of the training camps of the group in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Here is what we know about this group: Name: Jama’atul Ansar Fil Hindal Sharqiya — a group…

Ghani Gov Officials Accused of Smuggling Gold & Jewellery Worth $1bn

report in Khaama Press online, Dec 21, 2022During the last days of Ashraf Ghani’s government, high-ranking officials helped smuggle around $1 billion in cash and gold out of the country, Business Insider the American media company reported. The American media published a report on Tuesday, showing that during the last three months of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, as districts were falling to the Taliban fighters one after another, smugglers with the help of government…

Elites’ vested interests and investment climate

by by Imtiaz Gul in The Express Tribune, Dec 14th, 2022.The writer heads the independent Centre for Research and Security Studies, IslamabadDecember is a month of grief for Pakistanis that has witnessed the break-up of Pakistan; the APS massacre with 148 deaths; and the carnage at the Parade Lane Mosque, Rawalpindi that claimed some 40 lives. As recently as December 6, the incumbent rulers added yet another day of embarrassment to this month. The Capital…

Media Outlet Closes Due to ‘Threats’ to ‘Ensure Safety’ of Employees

report in Khaama Press online, Dec 12, 2022As the restrictions on the Afghan media grow stringent, the 13-year-old Jomhor News Agency announced that it was closing its main office due to “continuous threats” from the General Directorate of Intelligence. Following threatening phone calls and texts from the intelligence accusing it of disseminating and publishing anti-government content, Jomhor News Agency said on Saturday, December 11, that it is closing its main office in Afghanistan. The statement…