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Posts tagged as “Mahanayakas”

Mahanayakas want continued probes into ‘religious insults’

by Sahan Tennekoon and Buddhika Samaraweera in The Daily Morning, Aug 31, 2023The Asgiri Chapter of the Siam Sect wants the relevant authorities to continue the ongoing investigations into the alleged defamatory actions against Buddhism and the Buddha Sasana by various parties, despite those parties making apologies after the incidents. Speaking to The Daily Morning yesterday (30), the Asgiri Temple Supreme Sangha Council Secretary Ven. Dr. Medagama Dhammananda Thera said that it is not sufficient…

Mahanayakas want Prez to discuss 13A with them

by Buddhika Samaraweera in The Daily Morning, Aug 25, 2023The Asgiri Chapter of the Siam Sect stated that it would be best if President Ranil Wickremesinghe would discuss the full implementation of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution with religious leaders including the Chief Prelates (Mahanayakas) of the main Buddhist sects. Wickremesinghe, who came to power following the resignation of former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa in July last year (2022), pledged that he would fully implement…