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Posts tagged as “Jamaat”

Jamaat calls for talks with protesting Chaman traders

Report in Dawn, Dec 04, 2023PESHAWAR: Jamaat-i-Islami, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa chief Prof Mohammad Ibrahim Khan has stressed the need for holding negotiations with the protesting traders in Chaman, Balochistan. He said the government should reconsider ‘conditioning’ passport for movement between Pakistan and Afghanistan, according to a statement issued from the Jamaat’s Markaz-i-Islami here on Sunday. Prof Ibrahim said people living along the border had family relations in each country, and moved freely across the border for…

Police file 11 cases against 700 BNP, Jamaat men in 5 days:

Report in Prothom Alo, 12 Oct 2023The police have filed 11 cases against at least 700 members of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and the Jamaat-e-Islami in Jashore within just five days. They have already arrested a total of 77 BNP and Jamaat men in connection with the cases. Adding to the concern, there are a significant number of anonymous individuals among the accused. The police claimed to have filed the cases on specific charges,…

Police collecting data on number of minorities, Jamaat voters

by Ahmadul Hassan in Prothom Alo, July 28, 2023The Special Branch (SB) of police began gathering data of voters in every constituency ahead of the twelfth parliamentary election. The intelligence unit of police is also collecting data on whether any polling centres are risky, how is the infrastructure of the polling centres, how many voters belong to minority communities or support Jamaat-e-Islami. Sources said SB headquarters on 24 July asked field level officials and district…

Jamaat regroups by stealth. Police documents show the party is swelling its ranks fast

by Partha Pratim Bhattacharjee & Mohammad Jamil Khan in The Daily Star, June 14, 2023Contrary to the widespread perception that Jamaat-e-Islami has been on the wane for over the past 15 years, the Islamist party that actively opposed the birth of the nation is actually growing, according to intelligence and party documents. In 2008, the number of the party’s permanent members or Rukon was 23,863. That figure now stands at 73,046 — a threefold rise,…

Jamaat holds rally after a decade,Demands caretaker govt system

report in Prothom Alo, June 11, 2023With the permission of police, Jamaat-e-Islami yesterday held a rally in the capital after 10 years. Dhaka (south) city unit Jamaat organised it at the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, to realise the party’s three-point demand that include controlling high prices of daily essentials, release of its Ameer Shafiqur Rahman and other leaders and the next national election under a caretaker government. For all latest news, follow The Daily Star’s…

Jamaat ul Ahrar accepts responsibility for killing of Balkh governor

REPORT in The Nation, Mar 10, 2023ISLAMABAD – Jamaat ul Ahrar, a militant outfit, on Thursday ac­cepted responsibility for the suicide bomb blast that killed Governor of Balkh province in Afghani­stan Mulla Mohammad Dawood Muzammil , said a spokesman of Pakistan Tehreek Taliban. Seven persons, including the governor, were killed and nine others injured in the bomb blast. Mulla Dawood was the leading figure of Tali­ban. The Jamaat ul Ahrar had differences with him over…

Cancellation of Jamaat’s registration: Party given 2 months to prepare appeal

report in Dhaka Tribune Desk, January 31, 2023 at 1:56 PMThe Appellate Division of the Supreme Court has given Jamaat-e-Islami two months to prepare the summary of the appeal against a verdict of the High Court that scrapped its registration as a political party. The three member appellate bench headed by Chief Justice Hasan Foez Siddique passed the order on Tuesday. Barrister Tanya Amir, who appeared in representing the writ petitioner, said: “We have taken…

Jamaat aims to rear its head again

by Rashidul Hasan in The Daily Star, Jan 1, 2023Jamaat-e-Islami sees the simultaneous movement with BNP and other like-minded political parties as a chance to revive itself and return to politics at a time when many want it banned for opposing the country’s independence in 1971. Pro-liberation organisations have long demanded that the religious extremist group be tried for its role in the crimes against humanity committed during the Liberation War. Besides, Jamaat is infamously…

Jamaat Ameer backing new militant group: DMP Commissioner

report in Daily Asian Age, Dec 18, 2022Police have found evidence of supporting and funding the new militant outfit Jamatul Ansar Fil Hindal Sharqiya by Ameer(chief) of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Shafiqur Rahman, said the DMP chief on Saturday. Dhaka Metropolitan Police Commissioner Khandker Golam Faruq said that the Jamaat Ameer’s son got involved with the militant outfit and later he supported and funded them willingly. He made the comment in reply to a question while briefing…

Jamaat spreading propaganda against nation, say eminent citizens in statement

Report in The Daily Star, Dec 16, 2022A group of eminent citizens yesterday strongly condemned the appointment of lobbyists by Jamaat to convince the US and UK governments to impose sanctions against Bangladesh. They also viewed that Jamaat is spreading propaganda against Bangladesh using human rights issue as a shield. They said it in a joint statement under the banner of Sammilita Samajik Andolon, a citizens’ platform. “We have come to know through a news…