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Posts tagged as “Islmic”

USCIRF: Kabul Issued 80 Religious Edicts, Decrees Since August 2021

By Hadia Ziaei in ToloNews, Aug 31, 2023 at 8:57 PMThe United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) said in its report that since August 2021, the Islamic Emirate has issued of 80 religious edicts and decrees in Afghanistan. According to the report, over half of the 80 religious edicts and decrees directly enforce severe restrictions on women and girls, hampering their ability to live according to their own religious interpretation, including bans on…

Taliban (IEA) Should Learn From Past Experience 1996-2001: Russia

report in Khaama Press online, Dec 24, 2022Amid the growing economic crisis and uncertain political situation, the Russian Special Representative for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov stated that his country is ready to assist the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) to revive “intera-Afghan dialogue”. In a TV interview with the Indian newspaper, ‘The Hindu’ Kabulov said, “Taliban (IEA) can learn from the mistakes made by the former President (Ghani) and from its previous experience in 1996-2001.” “Finding…