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Posts tagged as “Imminent”

Pakistan must consider risks to returning Afghans, say UN agencies

by Amin Ahmed | Manzoor Ali in Dawn, October 8th, 2023ISLAMABAD / PESHAWAR: The international humanitarian community has called on Pakistan to continue extending protection to all vulnerable Afghans who have sought safety in the country, as they could be at imminent risk if forced to return to Afghanistan. This concern was also echoed by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, who said that refugees’ right to shelter, healthcare and legal counsel must be protected…

Orders go out not to ignore Indian intelligence warnings

By Norman Palihawadane in The Island, Aug 22, 2023Local intelligence services have issued orders to their operatives to collect and process information pertaining to all parties and individuals involved in creating disturbances and unrest over the Kurundimale temple in Mullaitivu. They have responded to the leak of Indian intelligence reports warning of imminent communal riots that could be created by the disputes and controversies over the temple. Senior local intelligence officers said that the orders…

Dengue outbreak: Imminent saline shortage feared as demand jumps over 1,000%

report in Dhaka Tribune, Aug 10, 2023As the dengue onslaught continues, demand for liquid saline in hospitals has increased exponentially, reaching 10-12 times (over 1,000%) the usual requirement, leading authorities to fear an imminent shortage in supply. Several medical institutions in Dhaka, including Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital, Mugda Medical College and Hospital, Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Sir Salimullah Medical College, and Institute of Child and Mother Health have already reported shortages. Patients are now apprehensive…