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Posts tagged as “Human Rights”

Taliban Publicly Flogs a Boy and a Girl in Central Afghanistan

By Saqalain Eqbal in Khaama Press online, Nov 17, 2022A boy and a girl who were allegedly in love with one another were ruled guilty of having premarital affairs by a Taliban court in the central Afghan province of Bamyan and were sentenced to receive lashes in public. The Taliban local court in Bamyan province sentenced a young boy and girl to 39 flogging on Thursday, November 17, on the basis of having a premarital…

Kenya HR Commission declares Arshad Sharif’s death planned murder

report in The Nation online, Nov 17, 2022 at 10:52 AMThe Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) declared the death of senior journalist Arshad Sharif a murder. KHRC Member Martin Mavenjina said that Arshad Sharif had been murdered as part of a plan. “The position of the Kenyan police on the death of Arshad Sharif is also weak,” he stated. “It is also clear from the investigation that those who had fired shots at Arshad Sharif…

Bennett Briefs UN General Assembly on Afghan Human Rights

By Mohammad Farshad Daryosh in Tolo News,27 OCt 2022The UN Human Rights Council’s special rapporteur to Afghanistan, Richard Bennett, said that despite the Islamic Emirate’s claims about “progress made,” the country continues to face a human rights and humanitarian crisis. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) said that the Islamic Emirate had cooperated with Bennett and he should not take advantage of it. Bennett briefed the UN General Assembly on Wednesday. “My view is… that…

Investigating Racial Profiling

edit in The Nation, Oct 23, 2022Enforced disappearances, racial profiling and harassment are pressing problems that human rights groups and victim groups have been advocating against for years; unfortunately, the government has mostly turned a blind eye towards their concerns. This year, fortunately, the Islamabad High Court took an interest in this issue, and Chief Justice of the Islamabad High Court Athar Minallah has directed the government to form a special commission to look into…

Over 60,000 cases of violence against women registered in last three years, NA told

by Jamal Shahid in Dawn, October 20th, 2022ISLAMABAD: Representatives of the Ministry of Human Rights informed the National Assembly on Wednesday that 63,367 cases of violence against women were registered in the country during the last three years. Shockingly enough, 11,160 rape/gang-rape cases were registered in the country during the last few years, ministry officials informed the National Assembly. In a written reply to questions from MNA Mussarat Rafiq Mahesar, Minister for Human Rights Mian…

Systematic violation of human rights

Report in The Daily Star,13 Oct 2022Several UN special rapporteurs have written to the government about the death of an indigenous activist allegedly in the hands of security forces, revealed a document released by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights yesterday. The letter was sent by the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples; Working Group on Arbitrary Detention; Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions and Special Rapporteur on…