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Posts tagged as “Herat”

Taliban create bonfire of music equipment

AFP report July 31st, 2023HERAT: Authorities from Afghanistan’s vice ministry created a bonfire of confiscated musical instruments and equipment in Herat province at the weekend, deeming music immoral. “Promoting music causes moral corruption and playing it will cause the youth to go astray,” said Azizal-Rahman al- Muhajir, head of the Herat department of the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. Since seizing power in August 2021, Taliban authorities have steadily imposed…

Selling Music Cassettes and Foreign Drama Series Banned in Herat:

By Naseer Ahmad Salehi in TOLOnews Online, April 09, 2023 at 7:36 PMThe selling of music cassettes and foreign drama series have been banned by the department of Vice and Virtue in the western province of Herat. The officials said that the cassettes and drama series were non-Islamic materials and thus they prevented them from being sold. “There were things that in contradiction with Islam such as women without Hijab and other things. Thus they…