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Posts tagged as “helping”

Priorities, Priorities

edit in Daily Times, December 20th, 2023Why is it that an estimated 1.7 million undocumented Afghans living well beyond their welcome in Pakistan only managed to tug at the heartstrings of the Western governments when Islamabad realised it had been pushed against the wall for far too long? Although no sovereign state is bound to explain its domestic policies, especially when standing on the edge of a shaky cliff, to the outside world, Caretaker Prime…

Chinese experts refute Western lenders’ pressure on China over debt relief

report in Global Times, Apr 15, 2023Chinese experts and officials hit back at remarks from Western-backed lenders made during a meeting that China is a major creditor to emerging markets and should do more in helping debt relief. China is willing to implement the common framework for debt disposal with other countries, China’s central bank governor Yi Gang said during the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) spring meetings, according to a statement released…