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Posts tagged as “hammer”

Gruesome killing: edit in The Express Tribune, Jan 17, 2023

Peshawar witnessed another gruesome killing on Monday. The murder of senior lawyer Latif Afridi under the writ of judicial hammer inside the premises of the court is pathetic. It is a serious security lapse, and many heads must roll. It also proved how daredevils are unscrupulous elements who feel free to execute their nefarious plans — and that too unmindful of heavy law-enforcement presence and under stringent security. The former president of the Supreme Court…

Still unresolved: Who leads the coalition government first?

by Purushottam Poudel in The Kathmandu PostThe five-party coalition failed to hammer out a power-sharing deal by Saturday night, with less than a day remaining of the deadline given by President Bidya Devi Bhandari to claim government leadership. Several bilateral and multilateral meetings between ruling party leaders and between the leaders of the governing alliance and the CPN-UML, which is likely to be the main opposition, failed to yield any decisive outcome, leaders privy to…